Monday, April 29, 2013

Pan seared steak, Grilled bacon wrapped zucchini/yellow, grilled Bok Choy infused with ginger garlic oil

Pan seared steak, grilled bacon wrapped zucchini/yellow squash & with bok chok infused in ginger/garlic oil

I wanted to cook on the grill today, but its raining and a bit cold. So I brought out my George Foreman grill and grilled my veggies. I chose not the grill the steak because the cut I have at hand its a bit on the lean side and doesn't do well on the grill. So seared in a pan and then finished it in the oven.

Serves 2

You will need

2 4 oz steaks 1/2 inch thick (London broil)
sea salt/black pepper to taste
1/2 c red cooking wine (Goya)
1 sprig of thyme
A George Foreman Grill
A skillet
1 yellow squash
1 zucchini
8 bacon strips (low salt bacon)
6 mini sweet peppers (2 of each colors -red-yellow-orange)
1 ripe vine tomato
1/2 small onion
green onion
1 tbsp of lemon juice
hot sauce (optional)
2 tbsp ground turkey (leftover from salad wraps I had prior)



Heat oven at 350 degrees. In a pan heat oil on medium high heat. Season steak on both sides and sear on both sides about 2-3 minutes. Once seared add red white, thyme and transfer to the oven. Broil for about 15-20 cover. Then remove and let steak rest. May drizzle some of the wine from the baking pan over the steak when served.


Set grilling machine to 350 degrees. Spray the grilling pans with cooking oil. 
 Wrap the halved zucchini and yellow squash with bacon. Lay the veggies on the flat side and grill for about 4-5 minutes to get the bacon nice and crispy. Turn over to cook bacon on all sides.  Then set aside. Serve when done.

Bok Choy

Cut length wise rinse under cold running water to remove any sand caught in between the stems. Drizzle a bit of the ginger/garlic infused oil over the Bok Choy and lay on the grill pans without covering. Flip on both side until the vegetable turn bright green and just a little wilted. Remove and set aside. You may want to add salt/pepper when serving.

Sweet Peppers

Halved lengthwise and remove seeds and set aside. In a small bowl mix the ground turkey, diced, tomato, lemon juice, chopped green onions, onion and cilantro. Mix well and spoon into the halved sweet peppers. Salt and Pepper if needed and you may also garnish with shredded cheese.

Plate it up and enjoy!!

Bon Apetit!

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