Thursday, May 16, 2013

My sunshine medley

Artichoke Sunshine Medley

Oh goodness this is so far my very favorite. You can never go wrong with fruits. I used artichoke tea that made last night as a base for this smoothie. Artichoke , as a tea is very bitter so I wanted to camouflage the taste a bit so I  loaded it with fruits. Didn't feel guilty because I had my brown Swiss chard juice in the morning :( and having more raw and steamed greens in a salad for dinner. 

This is yummy. 

Here is what I added:

1 ripe mango
1 black plum
1 medium green apple
1 medium orange
3 large carrots
1/2 lemon
4 cups of artichoke tea (boiled artichoke)

I blended the mango plum and artichoke in the blender and the rest in the juicer. I wanted to keep the fibers from the mango and plum but you don't have to. You use either or how ever this concoction is DELISH.

This made two 8 oz glasses. One for lunch and another for snack later. Yummmm

Whoot! Whoot!

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